November is full of exciting events: all the planets can be seen, two meteor showers and a lunar eclipse on the 19th. My favourite would be the lunar eclipse if only I could see it.
1st November. Monday.
A waning crescent Moon early in the morning, on the east.
3rd November
Opportunity to see Mercury a little brighter and bigger, it rises to the east around 6:30am.
5th November
Uranus is at opposition (this means it a good time to observe), you might need a telescope to see the planet if you live in an area where there is a lot of light pollution.
7th November
After sunset look to the southwest to see Venus and a thing Moon close by. If you miss it tonight you might be able to see tomorrow night.
10th November
Chance to see the Moon and Saturn near each other, Jupiter is close by. It will be after sunset around 6:32pm. Venus shines on the west.
11th November
Tonight it´s Jupiter´s turn to by near a waxing crescent Moon on the southwest near the horizon. At 23:40 in the night.
12th November
Northern Taurids meteor shower the night of 11th-12th, the high peak will be at 2am. The origin of the meteor shower is in the Constellation of Taurus, but it will be seen on a wider portion of the sky. Taurus is on the southeast.
People in cities with light pollution will see 1 meteor per hour, while in good conditions will be 5 meteors per hour.
17th November
The night from the 17th to 18th will be the peak of the meteor shower. Ideal time to see it is early in the morning on the southeast in the constellation of Leo. Unfortunately, this year the shower will be obscure a bit because of an almost full Moon.
In good conditions you can see five meteors per hour. In a city like mine (with lots of light pollution) we can see one meteor per hour. It´s not a lot.
19th November
A full Moon tonight. It rises from the northeast at 18:36 mainland Spain time. Uranus is nearby to the east.
There will also be a lunar eclipse. Spain will only see a penumbral (partial) eclipse around seven in the morning.
The lunar eclipse will be seen in the US, Northern Europe, East Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Ocean region. You can see at 11:34am to 5:33pm IST (India Standard time).
If in India is five o´clock… I hope this helps a little bit.
17:00 in India = 22:00 in Sidney = 07:00 in New York = 04:00 in Los Angeles
24th November
The Moon and Pollux are close together in early hours of the morning 4am UT (Universal Time), high above in the sky in the constellation of Gemini.
27th November
It is a good night to see Ceres (dwarf planet) through binoculars or a telescope. You can see it in the constellation of Taurus. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
The Planets
Mercury is low on horizon on the east southeast. It is a morning planets.
Venus will be visible all month on the south south-west.
Mars visible in the mornings, at 8 on the south east.
Jupiter can be seen all this month on the south in the constellation of Capricornus.
Saturn like the big planet and will be visible and will be relatively near it.
Uranus is on the south, these days you can spot it from sunset to sunrise.
Neptune a night planet in November, you can see it on the south. You need binoculars or a telescope to see it.